Information for employees

Travel issues
The guidelines of the Rectorate on the granting of travel allowances to members of the academic staff of the University apply (Resolution of the Rectorate dated 18 February 2021).
Additions to the Faculty of Natural Sciences:
- The academic university staff of the Faculty are entitled to a maximum amount of EUR 4,000 per person for 2 years from global budget funds for activities abroad.
- There is no maximum limit/person/year for domestic activities.
- 100% of the actual (verifiable) costs will be reimbursed.
Since 2 October 2023, all travel expense applications must be submitted via the electronic travel workflow without exception.
Contact person at the Dean's Office:
Amtsdirektorin Daniela Pühse
Phone:+43 316 380 - 5001
The procedure for habilitation procedures is regulated by the section of the statutes entitled "Implementation of habilitation procedures".
The application must be submitted to the Dean's Office with all necessary enclosures. Please arrange a submission date with the responsible officer.
Contact person at the Dean's Office:
Mag. Sandra Schoklitsch-Aschan
+43 316 380 - 5005

Fees for habilitation documents
The following costs are to be paid by the habilitation candidate:
- Application to the Rectorate (§ 14 TP 6 para. 2 Z 1 GebG): € 47.30
- Supplements (§ 14 TP 5 para. 1 GebG): € 3.90 per sheet, but not more than € 21.80 per supplement
Only one copy of the submitted habilitation theses and other scientific papers is to be charged. Enclosures are:
Curriculum vitae, certificates, habilitation thesis, other academic work, etc. and two written A4 pages forming one sheet.
Habilitation certificate (§ 14 TP 2 para. 1 Z 1 GebG): € 83.60.
The aforementioned fees are to be paid by the University to the competent tax office (§ 3 para. 2 no. 2 Fees Act 1957). Cash expenses (e.g. costs of experts) according to actual expenditure (§ 76 AVG)
Information on the topic of teaching
Are you new to teaching or can't find the form for submitting a Master's thesis? Don't worry, you'll find everything you need here and if you still have any questions, we'll be happy to help you personally.
- HANDBOOK for lecturers (compact knowledge for lecturers)
- NAWI Teaching Sharepoint (collection of information on the most important topics relating to teaching, curriculum commissions, administration at NAWI)
Please direct enquiries about teaching primarily to nawi.studek(at)
Contact persons at the Dean's Office:
MMag. Dr. Eva Fauner
43 316 380 - 5017
Martina Halbedl, BA.MA.
+43 316 380 - 5011
Fachinspektorin Karin Mairold-Underrain
+43 316 380 - 5000