The Dr Heinrich Jörg Foundation was established in 1992 from a pecuniary endowment donated by Mrs Maria Jörg and declared admissible by the Styrian provincial government. The sole purpose of the foundation is to provide financial support for scientific research at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Graz.
The Foundation Committee is responsible for the administration of the Foundation and the awarding of scholarships. Its members are four university lecturers delegated by the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
These are currently:
- Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Walter Gössler, Chairman, Institute of Chemistry
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karin Landerl, Deputy Chairwoman, Institute for Psychology
- PD DI Dr. Kristina Sefc, Treasurer, Institute of Zoology
- Assoz. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Astrid Veronig, Deputy Treasurer, Institute of Physics
Scholarships are awarded to the following groups of people and for the following purposes
1. to university lecturers pursuant to § 94 (2) UG 2002 who belong to an institute of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Graz to cover travel and accommodation expenses for participation in scientific events and/or for research stays in Austria or abroad, provided that these are part of research-related scientific activities.
2. to external scientists to finance guest stays at institutes of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Graz for joint research projects with a university lecturer working at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
3. to university teachers and students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Graz to promote the writing and publication of scientific papers.
Applications for the awarding of scholarships from the Foundation can be submitted by applicants themselves or by other university lecturers belonging to the Faculty of Natural Sciences. In the case of guest stays by external scientists, applications must be submitted by university lecturers from the Faculty of Natural Sciences. In the case of university lecturers and external scientists, the qualification must be proven by submitting appropriate documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, etc.) and in the case of students by an above-average academic record and at least one letter of recommendation from a university lecturer. Applications must include a detailed description of the project for which funding is requested and a cost breakdown. Applicants must declare that no funds will be received from third parties to cover the expenses that are to be covered by the scholarship. The scholarships cannot be used as remuneration for the applicant's own work.
Further information can be obtained from the Chairman of the Foundation Committee:
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Gössler,
Institute of Chemistry
Stremayrgasse 16/III (Analytische Chemie), 8010 Graz
Tel. +43-316-380-5302;
e-mail: walter.goessler@uni-graz.at
Literar Mechana Grant
The Literary Mechana awards up to twenty research and doctoral scholarships every year.
All information can be found on the Website.