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Bacteria in chain mail: Lactobacilli protect themselves with a lattice of proteins
We know them from the advertising for yoghurts or other probiotic foods: lactobacilli. They play an important role in the gut, but also in the…
On the 180th anniversary of Ludwig Boltzmann's birth: Physics building receives award
The physics building at Universitätsplatz 5 received a special distinction: it was included as number 75 in the "Historic Sites" of the European…
Spatenstich für das „Graz Center of Physics“: Spitzenforschung wird sichtbarer
Am 4. Juni 2024 erfolgte in Anwesenheit von Bundesminister Martin Polaschek der Spatenstich für das neue Graz Center of Physics (GCP). Nach dem…
Research for healthy aging: FWF funds Cluster of Excellence "MetAGE" with 18 million euros
Six researchers from the Field of Excellence "BioHealth" at the University of Graz, together with colleagues from the Medical Universities of Graz and…
Rising cost of living for insects: Energy demand increases with climate change
It sounds paradoxical: when the climate gets warmer, insects need more energy. Biologists at the University of Graz have demonstrated this using the…
Short but powerful: PhD students present their research in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition
Brevity is the soul of wit - a saying that was confirmed at the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) on 15 March 2024. Eleven doctoral students from…
Amino acids stimulate protein partnership
It is one of the key enzymes for the lipid catabolism in the body: ATGL (adipose triglyceride lipase). It was discovered at the University of Graz in…
New photonic chip can generate and measure customised light fields for the first time
They send light, like tiny cars, along sophisticated paths across a silicon surface. And they do this on a chip the size of the tip of a small finger.…
Plankton and ice: How global warming is changing the supply of nutrients in the oceans
Climate change not only affects weather phenomena such as El Niño or the monsoon, but also ocean currents and consequently the food chain. The…
Light micros and efficient e-cars: Doppler lab for novel sensors launches
They use shaped light to measure sound and microwaves to spy on the torque in the e-car. Alexander Bergmann and Peter Banzer are working on completely…
Nanoscience: Uni-Graz-researchers develop novel molecular motors that move with perfect uni-directionality along an atomically defined straight line
Researchers at the University of Graz have realized a groundbreaking experiment with a completely novel type of molecular motor which moves by itself…
University of Graz achieves breakthrough in the fight against hospital pathogens
Multiresistant pathogens are a major threat to health. They are a problem, especially in hospitals, where they can spread easily. The University of…
Krebs-Genen auf die Schliche gekommen: Pharmazeut:innen der Uni Graz erkennen relevante Mutationen
Bestimmte menschliche Erbanlagen haben unter anderem die Aufgabe, unkontrolliertes Zellwachstum zu stoppen. Bei vielen Krebspatient:innen ist diese…
Veranstaltung: 7. NAWI Faculty Club
Einladung zum 7. NAWI Faculty Club am 21. April 2023
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Grünes Gas
Synthetisches Flüssigmethan soll klimaneutrale Alternative zu fossilen Brennstoffen werden